I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
I engage materially with text and image creating and integrating these as visual ephemera. My hand lettering forms through drawing as word and image that when juxtaposed reinforces the primacy of text in my work. This work stretches back to my early interests in collage, drawing, and writing. I choose to work with words and images in equal measure, earnestly in my writing but often quite whimsically in my visual work. If I tire of one I switch to the other and back again. In my mind and in my hands words and images are naturally combined, open to interpretation, never at odds, and serendipitously perched between accident and intent.
Title Image: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness. Self authored text and photographs with analog, found object collage.
Title Image: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
Detail: I Multiply You to Repeat Your Usefulness
By Trail and Error. Self authored text and photographs with analog, found object collage.
By Trail and Error
Detail: By Trail and Error
Detail: By Trail and Error
Detail: By Trail and Error
A Song for Johnny Cash. Self authored text with analog, found object collage.
A Song for Johnny Cash. Self authored text and photographs with analog, found object collage.
Detail: A Song for Johnny Cash.
Detail: A Song for Johnny Cash.
Detail: A Song for Johnny Cash.
Detail: A Song for Johnny Cash.
A Song for Johnny Cash, the B Sides. Self authored text with analog, found object collage.
What Vessel Will You Fill. Self authored text with analog, found object collage.
What Vessel Will You Fill.
Detail: What Vessel Will You Fill.
Detail: What Vessel Will You Fill.
Detail: What Vessel Will You Fill.
Detail: What Vessel Will You Fill.
I Spin a Tear. Self authored text with analog, found object collage.
I Spin a Tear.
Detail: I Spin a Tear.
Detail: I Spin a Tear.
When They Whisper About You. Self authored text and photograph with analog, found object collage.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.
Detail: When They Whisper About You.